Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Last week, after a long sad day, Frank asked me if I still liked agility. I thought for a moment, and said, "No." I was in a class that was over my head and I spend the rest of the day after class feeling really bad about myself. I was not having a good time, but I thought a bit more and remembered that Shane and I had stayed after class that morning and ran around the field doing whatever was in our path. We soared. Shane nailed everything. I love watching him have fun. I realized that I do like agility. I just need to stick with the two trainers in my life who understand me and my dog.

Last week in class, Shane took off from me toward another dog and I yelled "leave it." He spun around and came right back to me. Heidi told me that it was awesome and she could tell we had been working hard. I never felt so proud. Can't wait to tell Janice.

Shane has not turned out to be the agility dog I imagined in my head, but he has taught me so much and inspired me to learn more. I see problems in Maggie's classmates and wish I could pass along what I've learned, but everyone is an expert and wouldn't listen anyway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The change in your relationship with him is completely remarkable! I'm so impressed. And Bella loves Shane :-).