Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Maggie May!

Maggie turned 5ish today. She came into our lives three years ago to serve as a companion to Shane while he pursued his agility destiny. I expected to spend all my time training this son of a world champion and wanted a little black dog to help Shane with his reactivity to black dogs. We had just lost Woody on December 23, so I gave that day to Maggie to be her birthday. Our hearts were broken when we lost Woody right before Christmas and Shane seemed lost without his brothers. Maggie came along and helped us all heal.

Maggie did agility in our backyard while I trained Shane so I decided to start her in classes. She wasn't as fast or confident when we weren't in the backyard, but I kept at it just for fun and exercise. When Shane was diagnosed with PRA, Maggie became my only agility dog for competition. We stuck with it and now Maggie has surpassed any achievements of all my other dogs. She's not the fastest, but every once in a while, she beats the buzzer for a Q. We'll keep plugging away while I train my next agility dog, Kimi, who is now Maggie's best bud.

Maggie and Kimi Play Every Day
Forgotten Friends Maggie May MX MXJ OF

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