Monday, October 22, 2012

Having a Heat Wave

Sometimes the hardest part of agility is trying to smile through your tears while listening to your friends brag about how great their dogs did in the ring. I didn't have the strength Saturday so I left early.

We had a god-awful weekend. Maggie was slow and got stuck on obstacles again. It's like the last year never happened. Not sure if it was the heat or the unusually tall well-fed judge that spooked her, but she did do better on Sunday when Frank came with us. She loves her daddy.

It was so hot this weekend and we were crated in the dirt. Four freakin' days sitting in dirt. I was so ready for the show to be over.

So the plan for the next show is to bring a smelly t-shirt of Franks to put in Maggie's crate and to try to keep her as cool as possible. I hope Fall shows up soon.

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