Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Friday

Friday is garbage day in our neighborhood. Since Kimi is afraid of the garbage trucks, we have never made it out the door for our Friday walk. He sees the garbage cans and won't leave the house.

Today we made it out the door and almost back home, but we ran into the truck. I picked Kimi up and we watched the truck go by. He wanted to run away for sure. After the truck turned the corner, I put him down and he pulled us all the way home.

I notice he gets more brave when he hears a dog barking. Shane was pretty mad that we were late in leaving the house and was barking a lot. Perhaps that helped Kimi. He stopped a few times but I was able to get him going by playing with him a bit.

Thursday class was great as well. Kimi did all the exercises and actually walked to the car after class. That was a first for us. I usually have to carry him because he freezes and I need to get home.

Last night I set up another course in the backyard because Maggie has a show coming up. Kimi went through the curved tunnel without any coaxing.

I am so proud of the way Kimi is blossoming. He gets more confident every day.

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