Monday, December 12, 2011

Wrapping Up 2011

Around this time of year, I get to make scrapbook pages for my agilty instructor showcasing the past year. The first time I had to do it, I thought it was a bit silly until I started to create my page. While I do not scrapbook normally, I found the process very satisfying. Gathering up brags for the entire year really show how far we have come as a team. Maggie hasn't been doing so well this fall, but when I saw all that we had accomplished, I felt very proud.

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I also found that Shane had achieved a title this past year, so I felt obligated to create a page for him as well. Since he is now retired, I also treated it as a tribute page since it will be his last scrapbook page. I found a picture of him back when he was barely 2 years old jumping 16 inches. He won a blue ribbon that weekend. I remember that run so clearly because he was just so fast.

Click the Picture to View Full Size

The text on Shane's page is a little hard to read, so I've included larger images.

Retired at 5 years old. What dreams I had for this little boy. I have cried buckets of tears. Trying very hard to understand the lesson.

After cleaning up poop in the middle of the night three times, I finally got that Shane needs to be escorted outside in the dark now. We used to have a great routine. He would bark to let me know he had to go outside. I would let him out, go to the bathroom myself, let him back in and then we would all go back to bed. Now I have to go outside with him to show him the stairs and wait for him to do his business in the dark. Poor baby is probably so scared. 

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