Friday, December 02, 2011

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving weekend was agility mania here in Central Texas. So many trials to choose from, but we decided to stay close to home and do AKC. My tryptophan stupor on Friday did not help us at all. I made a stupid mistake and ruined Maggie's JWW run and I do not even remember the STD run. Saturday we got a 1st Place Q in EXC A Std. Our jumpers run was clean but over time.

Sunday, Frank came with us and videotaped Maggie's JWW Qualifying run. We are still pokey, but she's coming along. She did come out of her shell a little be in STD long enough to blow the run. Several people commented on how much faster she is running. I guess I haven't noticed the change so much.

All-in-all it was a great weekend. I'm in it for the long haul, so we will just keep plugging away.
Maggie May Watching for Squirrels

On a sadder note, Shane had a hard time in class this past week. He stutter-stepped the tire on our first run and crashed into it on our second. He just barks at me instead of sending out to jumps and hesitates at tunnel entrances. I really think he only has a few more months of class left. His vision is deteriorating rapidly. We do agility fine in the back yard where he is familiar with the surroundings. I think he gets too nervous now in unfamiliar situations.
I Wish Glasses Would Help

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