Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Boom Boom Treats

This is the first July 4th in 12 years that I wasn't laying on the couch covered in shelties. Here we are in Florida where our neighbor across the canal would shoot off rockets for every holiday and most Saturday nights. Jake and Woody are loaded up with Rescue Remedy and I have my wine.
This year we did Boom Boom Treats. Every time we hear a boom, I say Boom Boom Treats and give a treat. Maggie and Shane were not shivering fearful, but instead became very animated and barky because of the treats. Not sure if that is the correct reaction, but I will find out tonight at class.

Instead of showing this weekend, Frank and I painted our bedroom for the third time in 3 years. Had to keep the door shut so the pups wouldn't inhale any fumes. Slept upstairs in the guest room. Had all the bedroom furniture in the living room. The house was totally turned upside down. Suddenly, Shane refused his dinner. I had to hand feed him, so we did tricks to get him to eat. Doing very well with Leave It after practicing all weekend. He had diarrhea all weekend as well (had diarrhea at the kennel when we were on vacation last year so I know it's stress-related). Last night we slept in the bedroom again and everything is back to normal. We'll see if he'll eat his dinner tonight in his crate like normal.