Monday, August 20, 2012

Another Roller Coaster Weekend

Another two months have gone by so it's time for a show! Not the best plan if you want to keep your skills. Maggie, Kimi, and I got up before dawn Saturday and headed to College Station. I brought Kimi along to see his brother and other Mom, Kay. It was hard to leave Shane at home, but I didn't want to deal with three dogs.

Our first run was STD and it was wonderful. It was the 10th Q for us and Maggie's MX Title. Susan Miller caught it for us.

Turns out that was our best effort for the weekend. Her JWW run was 1.44 seconds over time, which I thought was a little tight. We did T2B for the first time and she knocked the first bar, which I think totally spooked her. She started sticking on top of the Aframe again. Sunday was a complete mess. She seemed to have shut down on me for whatever reason. Maybe she missed Frank or Shane. Maybe she didn't feel good. Not sure. But she was sure happy to get home.
Forgotten Friends Maggie May MX MXJ
The other goal of the weekend was to expose Kimi to new experiences. He had a lot of trouble with the sounds around the arena, but with the help of his brother and Kay, we conquered the RV generator noise. At the hotel, we had more problems. Kimi was terrified of the squeeky door and the noisy trucks in the parking lot. I tried to potty them around 9:30 and it was pretty active in the parking lot. Kimi charged back to the hotel door and hit the glass. I can't even imagine the terror he felt. We went out at 4 am in the quiet and he finally pottied.

Back at the show on Sunday, Kimi got passed around a lot. He was happy and confident inside the arena. Susan Miller held him for the longest time near the teeter and he was happy and relaxed.
Happy Kimi
I've had my share of scaredy dogs, but this one is new for me. Shane charges. Maggie freezes. Kimi runs away. There is always something to work on.

Another nice surprise was the height card holder Susan Miller made for me. Kimi is named after a race car driver, so she hand stitched this amazing racing design on the holder. If you are interested, see her at the next show.

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