Saturday, August 06, 2011

Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Took the family on a jaunt yesterday to College Station to give USDAA another try. When we go to the arena, the AC was off and it was beginning to get uncomfortable. We went outside to cool off and outside was around 80 at that time. The AC finally kicked on after our first run and the rest of the day was pleasant.

Shane came along for the ride and he didn't seem to care at all that he wasn't trialing. We had some nice moments just hanging out.

First run was Standard. Maggie skipped a couple of poles, but we went on. Maggie is running off in every direction checking things out. Man is she stressed. Now the table is our big issue. She will not go down. Stress. We finish and celebrate.

Next run is Gamblers. There is an A-frame tunnel discrimination and I know she will get sucked up that A-frame. I timed the run perfectly, but she ran behind me before the teeter and blew my plan. I got her going on the Gamble, and sure enough, she went right up the A-frame and sat there. Stress.

Snooker. I thought we had a chance. Maggie had taken a big dump and I was sure that would help her sniffing. Was I ever wrong. We went over the first red and a tunnel and then began the sniff fest. I finally got her attention and we finished the opening but only made it to the 4th obstacle in the closing. 27 points Jerry. 27 points. (old Seinfeld reference).

Jumpers. Last chance girl. We had good start, but she bobbled over one jump thanks to me and that blew our time. 2.5 seconds over.

So what did I learn today. Maggie does very well in AKC. I think now that is because she is surrounded by all the little 12 inch dogs while she is waiting to run. At USDAA and NADAC trials, there are tons of bigger dogs waiting at the gate and she is fearful still of big dogs. Before that last jumpers run, the only dog waiting was a Corgi and I could tell Maggie was happy. That might explain why she didn't sniff so much during that run.

So I think for now we will stick with AKC trials until Maggie gets more confidence. I may do USDAA and NADAC trials if they are local. We'll see. She's only 3 so we have lots of time.

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