I cringed every time I heard that word on Two and a Half Men. Every time Charlie got into a relationship, the show just tanked for me. But when I read that if your dog runs from you, your relationship might be damaged, the word suddenly became interesting to me.
Looking back, I realized how angry and disappointed I've been with Shane. Even chasing him to put on his leash for a walk got me agitated. No wonder our walks were so irritating.
We've completely stopped competing and are healing our relationship. I've learned that Shane does not like to be touched, which is killing me because he is so soft and beautiful. I see now when he comes up to me and offers his head, he wants a special spot next to his ear rubbed. He has started snuggling next to me in bed again. But if I reach to touch him, he moves away. It's so hard.
We also do not do anything that we do not like to do. I was taking him to a class that I just hated because I had prepaid. We stopped going.
Shane is not the agility dog that I dreamed he would be, but he is pretty special.
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