Saturday, December 20, 2008


Last night Woody didn't want to go on his evening walk. We walked him out the door and he froze like a statue in the driveway. He ate the rest of the deli turkey for dinner. Frank got him to eat some treats later on.

Woody didn't get me up all night. I made him a scrambled egg and roast chicken for breakfast and he didn't want any of it. He did eat his pill pockets with his pills, so we'll try again later. I'll pick up some more turkey this morning. Near the end, that's all Jake would eat.

I don't want to be come an expert at this.

Woody bugged me a lot this morning like he wanted to go on a walk. We went a little ways and he just stopped, so we went back home. While I was out walking Shane, Frank managed to feed Woody about 8 treats. All are resting comfortably now.

A Memory
This morning while giving Woody his steroid pill, I remembered when I too was on steroids. I had watched Woody clean Jake's eyes and read on the Internet that it was a very special thing. So I stupidly let Woody clean my eyes as well. I woke up the next morning with my eyes swollen shut. Frank drove me to the emergency care and they put me on steroids. I felt like a complete idiot explaining to the doctor what I had done. I'll never forget the look on his face.

We had a lovely walk. Woody made it all the way to the mailbox and back. Seemed even more chipper. We had a little crisis with our pills as it got stuck in his throat and we thought he was choking, but I got it dislodged. He lurched a little. After the walk, he ate a little deli turkey. Was not interested in the roasted chicken or eggs from this morning.

During dinner, we noticed how distended his belly is. It's hard as a rock. If he doesn't eat anything tomorrow morning, we are going to put him down. Either Sunday or Monday. I can't bear to see him struggle anymore. He still seems to want to do things, but he can't.

Off to bed. Woody is sleeping. Breathing is shallow. I don't know if he'll make it to the morning. How can this all happen so fast.

1 comment:

Valley Val said...

Aww, I'm sad about Woody. Give him some extra treats and a hug for me.