Saturday, March 01, 2008

A Perfect Day

I took Friday off to attend an agility seminar on running contacts. I thought that perhaps because Shane wouldn't stop at shows, we should try running contacts. The instructor talked us out of it and insisted that I be consistent with my demands, and consider pulling him from runs when he breaks his start line and blows a contact. Since he only does these things at shows, she said he has learned that he can do different behaviors at shows and get away with it. So, with the NADAC show coming up this weekend, that's exactly what we are going to do. I've been so afraid to try it, but now I will.

Shane did wonderfully at the seminar. I was extremely proud of him. After telling the instructor all of Shane's faults, he didn't exhibit any of them. Reminded me of Woody many years ago. I had installed a doggie door and Woody would not go through it. We shoved Jake out the door and he had it down. Woody, we tried for days. I finally called a behaviorist and told her all about our Rainman. Of course, when she arrived. Woody just fell in love with her and didn't exhibit any of the weirdness I had described. She did have a hard time getting him through the door, so that did redeem me a little.

Spending a day outside in a beautiful setting with my Shane was just pure joy. We had great runs. Good company. Good food. Sunshine. Learned a lot and had lots of fun. Good day.

1 comment:

Karen Wernette said...

A Perfect Day is was, Sue! I love the very first shot of Shanie in the blue wildflowers. You should get a Blog Award! It's great and I love reading it.